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Writer's pictureJohn Barcanic

There Is Work to Do

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

This is a guest post from my good friend Marge Burch. Thanks, Marge, for being part of the ministry of Intersekt.

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. Luke 1:32

Mary wasn’t expecting a visitor. But there he stood, the angel of God, with a message of great wonder. It was the announcement of God coming to earth. A baby who would be Immanuel, God with Us.

We do not know a lot about Mary, and that is appropriate because she is not the main character in this event. God is: the Father, who chose Mary to set in motion the plan of salvation; the Son, Jesus, who is the Savior; and the Holy Spirit, who would overshadow Mary and plant the seed of life in her.

While we do not fully know Mary, we can learn from her. When presented with an amazing, life changing mission, she did not turn away or dismiss the message as some had done in the past. She asked a simple question—how was this going to happen? Her question of curiosity was accepted and answered completely. This would be the work of the Holy Spirit. And Mary’s response? “I am God’s servant. May it be to me as you said.” And it was.

Later, when she visited Elizabeth, Mary offered a song of praise to God, the Magnificat. “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” As she faced many unknowns, she knew she could rely on God. She understood that He provides the divine, saving grace that we all need, and she details His acts of mercy to His people. Mary knew that her strength to finish what was started in her and, indeed, for her would come from the One who has always helped his children.

Sometimes we seem to think that Mary was perfect. That the attitude of her response to hearing of her pregnancy and the beautiful song she offered to God were the constant responses of her life. But Mary was not super-human, she was merely human. Were there days she cried out of frustration? Of course. Were there times she disagreed with her husband or responded to her children in anger? I’m sure there were. Does that diminish the fact that God looked on her with favor and blessed her? Absolutely not. He did not value Mary because of her perfection. He valued her because He loved her. Today, it is the same with us.

God invites you to share in building His kingdom.

God gave Mary something very specific that she was to do for mankind and for the kingdom of God. He has plans for you, too. Not as dramatic perhaps, but plans for you to share in building His kingdom nevertheless. His grace is sufficient to help us rise above the cares and urgencies of our daily lives to do beautiful things in His name. Big things, smaller things, things that require time, money, patience, forgiveness, or talents … they are all gifts of love to our Savior and to others He loves.

God chose a humble young woman to give Jesus the transition from heaven to earth so He would come into this world fully human, yet fully divine. She carried the infant Jesus in her womb so that we can carry our Savior Jesus in our hearts today. Mary trusted God to bring her through the days ahead, to guide her and protect her. To help her make wise decisions, to help her accomplish what He chose for her to do. He will do the same for us. He is still God with Us and calls us to share His love, His saving grace, on earth, to reflect His light in a dark world.

As He chose Mary to be the earthly mother of Christ, He has chosen you to serve where you are. Are you willing to take the confidence, the strength, the creativity, and the power that having God with Us brings, and do whatever He calls you to do? Today, will you set aside your fears and sincerely say to God, “I am God’s servant. May it be to me as you said.”


Marge Burch is an experienced writer, director, and actor. She serves as the leader of South Park Church's Outreach Team and is appreciated by Christian workers around the world for her encouragement, faithfulness, and joyful spirit.

If you would like to connect with Marge, please email and we will ensure she gets your message.


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