The phrase: ‘time between times’ is from the ancient Celts who believed the curtain between the temporal and eternal worlds was thinnest during certain moments. The few minutes after the sun has gone down, but before it’s fully dark, and the space after we have nodded off, but before we are fully asleep are two examples. This album is a gentle invitation to leave the stresses of everyday life behind. Nine solo piano improvisations trace the journey as we enter a world where melody, rhythm, and harmony combine to wrap us in a aural blanket of tranquility and well being. Perfect for relaxing, creating, or just enjoying the time between times.
Time Between Times
Original Release Date: February 11, 2017
Release Date: February 11, 2017
Label: John Barcanic
Copyright: ℗ © 2017 John Barcanic
Total Length: 54:26