Change Journeys

Experienced Coaches
Each change journey is led by individuals with hard-won, real-world experience.

Practical Results
Your learning will result in hands-on experience, and personalized plans, tools, and strategies.
Each change journey is available as a one-one-one coaching experience, a small group cohort, or an in-person workshop.

God Confidence
Cultivate courageous faith in Jesus Christ.
Discover why self-confidence is a dead end and what to do instead.
Understand the four questions in every heart, and how to answer them. Distinguish between healthy concern and unhealthy worry.
Uncover the specific strategy the enemy uses to keep believers from living confidently and how to defeat it.

Focus Your Life
Rise above the whirlwind; achieve your priorities.
You can lay your head on the pillow each night knowing that you've accomplished your most important tasks. You can wake up every morning knowing exactly what you need to do next to achieve your goals. You can work each day knowing that your activities are moving you towards your most critical objectives.

The "E" Word

Ignite Your Ministry
You can greatly increase your impact.
Discover how to focus your ministry so each part helps achieve your vision. Identify the "secret sauce" that makes your ministry unique and resonates with those you seek to serve. Learn to communicate what you do in clear, compelling ways to fire up others to partner with you in prayer and finances.

Help People Grow in Christ
God gave us a completely new identity when he saved us, but our mind, will, and emotions need to be rewired to be like Christ. Many Christians don’t have a clear idea of what spiritual maturity looks like, how spiritually mature they may (or may not) be, or how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to grow in Christ. With this journey, you can help.


Make disciples who make disciples
Jesus said those who hear the gospel and accept it will bear fruit thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a hundredfold. Believers in the early days of the Church regularly saw this kind of multiplication. What can we do see such impact?

Become an Integral Leader
Integrate your faith and your leadership
Whether you lead in ministry, the marketplace, education, or government, your faith is a vital part of your leadership. Jesus only said what the Father was saying, only did what the Father was doing, and only went where the Father was going. We can follow Christ in the same way, joining his work in our sphere of influence.